
Bør du annonsere i awards bankett programmer - småbedrifter reklame

Not long ago, I was talking to a gentleman who ran a business in a nearby region. I asked him if he'd like to advertise in an awards banquet program, a small event where are local dignitaries would attend. You've probably seen these types of dinner parties, set up like a symposium with dinner, some networking and the main event, handing out awards to local community leaders, volunteers, and persons of the year; policemen, firemen, teachers, entrepreneurs, non-profit leaders.

Anyway when I asked the gentleman if he'd like to support the community and help out with an ad in the program, he reiterated what most business people right now are thinking; "I have a limited budget, and I am not sure it would make since for me." The gentleman then asked, "About how many people will be there?" The answer was anywhere from 50 to 200, but more likely than not about 75 Max including all the people who would be getting the awards, and the people volunteering to set it all up.

So, should a small business person advertise in such a venue? The answer may be no actually, or it may be yes depending on the type of business, the type of clientele, and their need to lobby local mucky-mucks, powers that be, and support the status quo. Now then, if you have a smaller company and you'd like to advertise in a program, I might better recommend that you try the local high school football program. The advertising might be about the same cost, and they print thousands of programs, and they hand them out at all of the high school football games, and they have a lot longer shelf-life.

Misforstå ikke, noen ganger disse pris banketter, folk vil holde disse programmene før deres døende dager, spesielt hvis de er en av de som vant en pris for å være statsborger i året for eksempel. Men akkurat som en high school yearbook, husker du alle som annonseres i som? Svaret er sannsynligvis nei med mindre du er en selger reklame. En bedrift som henvender til unge forbrukere bedre annonsere i skoleavisen eller skole program. Det er alt jeg sier her.

La oss innse det, økonomien er ganske tøff, du ikke vil at små bedrifter å være en annen "for leasing" tegn, gått ut av business. Du må se dine penger nøye, og at betyr at du har for å sikre at hver krone du bruker på reklame, markedsføring, og PR fungerer for deg, disse annonsene må trekke. Hvis slik annonse ikke passer i business plan, kan du ønsker å forgo bruke pengene. Vennligst vurdere alt dette, og tror på den.